Bird's Eye View News

In an increasingly connected and interdependent world, speaking a second or third language is a real advantage. 它为不同的文化和世界观打开了大门,并为更广泛的工作机会让路. 
Learning a second language, particularly when young, has exceptional and lasting benefits – including enhanced cognitive skills, 更大的同情, 提高文化能力,对自己在社区中的地位有更广阔的视野.  海德罗伊斯学校的世界语言课程是实践我们价值观的一个例子.
K-12语言连续体培养智力开放和发展学术纪律. 让我们与大多数学校不同的不是我们为最年轻的学生提供三种不同的世界语言, but that we require language throughout a student’s K-12 journey. 
事实证明,玛丽亚·蒙台梭利(Maria Montessori)的格言“儿童的大脑就像海绵”是对的. 使用磁共振成像和神经解剖制图的研究表明了这一点, 在年轻的时候, the brain grows faster than at any other time of life. 这种神经可塑性使童年成为学习第二语言的理想时期. 并且“more quickly acquire native-like proficiency,” according to Cornell University. 

Edutopia解释说 that children go through ‘critical periods’ of brain development, 神经快速形成的证据是突触(脑细胞之间的连接)的数量翻倍. 根据 research cited by Edutopia, two-year olds have twice as many synapses as adults. It is for this reason that during ‘critical periods,大脑实际上能够更快地学习,并且比生命中的其他时期产生更持久的影响.

在Head-Royce, 学习一门语言从幼儿园开始,为期12周的汉语普通话入门课程轮转, 法语和西班牙语. From 1st grade onwards, throughout each grade in every division – Lower, 中学和高中语言是课程的一个组成部分. 

Young children learn with an unconscious state of mind, lacking the social inhibitions characteristic of older students. Using developmentally appropriate teaching 包括总身体反应(TPR)在内的工具,这是一种基于运动的语言学习方法, 唱歌, 跳舞, 表演和其他形式的互动——海德·罗伊斯利用了我们最年轻的学生扭动身体的需要, touch and sing through an immersive, 整个身体, language-learning experience. 

Ayden一. ’30 started Mandarin in 1st grade. 骄傲的笑容, he shared that during a recent field trip to Chinatown in San Francisco, 他点了中文午餐,并计划在海德罗伊斯的整个学习过程中学习中文. 他正在学习普通话,因为他计划长大后去旅行,并希望能够与当地社区的成员交谈. Nodding enthusiastically with Ayden, Kylie C. ‘30 observed that learning Mandarin will, “等我老了,帮帮我吧,因为我能和亲戚、和别人说话了 when I travel,”她说。. Both students say they enjoyed their language classes at Head-Royce, particularly the games used to support learning. “玩游戏学习是很多孩子喜欢的一种策略,因为你在学习的过程中得到了乐趣!” Ayden said confidently. 

In and Outside of the Classroom

在中学, collaborative projects, field trips and other forms of experiential learning help give shape, purpose and meaning to language learning, and also provides the adolescent mind an 有机会在教育工作者的指导下做出负责任的选择. 除了普通话、法语和西班牙语,从六年级开始还开设了拉丁语. 

和六年级的学生一起去意大利学习旅行, 7th and 8th grades a few years ago, 教员, Gretchen Wu分享说,学生们在参观体育馆时非常兴奋,因为他们能够阅读包括2在内的主要原始材料,000 year-old plaques and passages etched in stone in Latin. 通过阅读这些材料,学生们对这座古老的建筑有了不可思议的了解, 因为这些描述帮助他们想象曾经弥漫在竞技场的气味,以及在烈日下羊毛在皮肤上的感觉. “These special moments are pivotal in a student’s life, they are defining, even life-shaping. It’s what makes experiential learning so important,” Gretchen reflected.

“我不认为8年级的自己会猜到法语会把我带向何方. One language led to a love for many languages, literatures and cultures, and that ​opened doors to new friendships, opportunities and perspectives. 费德里科·费里尼曾经说过:“不同的语言是对生活的不同看法。.’ I think he was right,” shared alumna Andrea Thomas ’96, now an Associate Professor of French at Loyola University.

We are excited to offer another study-travel program to Québec, Canada this coming spring break through our Center for Community Engagement. 4 - 6年级的法语学习者将参加沉浸式语言课程,并建立持久的友谊和记忆.

Purpose in Proficiency

超出加州州立大学毕业(一年)和加州大学入学(两年)的要求, 海德罗伊斯要求高年级学生学习三年的世界语言, 很多学生, according to World Language Department Head Christina Masson, take a language all four years. Some even take two languages. 

天蓝色的年代. ‘24 is studying both 法语和西班牙语. “Learning French means I can talk to my family and become closer with them. 在Head-Royce, 我也了解了法国文化,对法国的生活有了更好的认识. 我认为西班牙语是一门非常有用的语言,尤其是在加州,那里有很多人说西班牙语,塞莱斯特分享道.

In 上学校 language classes, students pursue advanced coursework, 研讨会, literature and cinema, deepening their cultural understanding and building proficiency. Sparking students’ curiosity, teachers encourage inquiry to ignite agency. Instead of posing questions or giving answers, 老师可能会要求学生深入关注一个项目,然后提供温和的指导,以帮助保持项目的进展. This encourages the student’s interest in the subject to inspire discovery, guiding themselves through the learning process. Dr. Lisowski, Middle and 上学校 Latin teacher explains, “研究表明,当学生自己提出问题并寻求答案时,他们学得更彻底.”

据博士说. Lisowski, 这是高中拉丁语课程中让学生们引以为豪的项目之一, is an intense focus on one 35-line mythological story by the author, 奥维德. Generally taking place in 10th and 11th grade, 学生们被要求选择一段节选,然后建立一个互动网站来分享他们对课文的理解. 这些多方面的挑战包括解决复杂的问题,并与我们开发以能力为中心的课程的战略计划目标保持一致. 

And when the learning is experiential, it can have an even greater impact. 普通话的老师, 凯西·杨, 描述了两个高中语言项目-饺子和月饼制作庆祝农历新年是两个学生的最爱, “more memorable than any of the textbook lessons,”她说。. 


With diversity being one of 外围足球的app’s three core values, the World Language program goes beyond grammar. It builds time into the curriculum to explore different beliefs, 文化习俗, heritages and traditions. 它确保了我们投资于来自世界各地的多元化教师团队,以灌输真正的学习机会. The impact is powerful. 

“学习语言可以让来自不同国家和文化的世界观完全不同的人联系起来, and it broadens a person's (own) worldview, 这可以帮助他们打破偏见,揭穿他们对世界上一个地区或一群人的先入为主的观念. 我相信学习外语——以及与之相关的文化——会让你的生活更丰富、更充实,” said a wise Maeve W-S. ’24.